Thursday, October 2, 2008

Activity 2.2 - my blog

This supplementary activity required that we set up a blog to support reflective work. The suggestion was made to set it up using the one provided to me by the Open U. I'm not terribly fond of the one that they have so I've opted to continue to use this one (though I think if I could I'd be looking for one that uses Wordpress so that I could tap into the templates - I think they have still a better look and feel to them).

Sorry everyone at the Open U but it's really not that pleasing to the eye - not at all. No eye candy. Never thought that it would matter to me but when one sees what one can do with Blogger than its IMO no contest. Not that this is that much better but I've got a lot more flexibility as to how I can format / personalize the look of this one .. and I'm familiar with how easy it is to insert multimedia into it.

However, in fairness I understand that it may be easier for Open U instructors to support others who may not be familiar with blogs.

1 comment:

Anne said...

That's OK to use a non-OU blog - as long as others can access it easily and securely.